A special treat was Mauricio Trejo as Pinkerton; a clear, strong tenor who sang with warmth and passion.

Ersatz-tenor war eine Offenbarung (El Tenor de reemplazo resultó una revelación) hb. 30 Jahre jung ist er, Mexikaner mit irischen Wurzeln, wohnhaft in New York. Mauricio Trejo, Tenorsänger, trat am Sonntagmittag an der Opern-Gala des Stadtorchesters Luzern im KKL nur als Ersatz für den indisponierten Vojtech Alicca auf. Doch Trejo’s Auftritt war eine Offenbarung. Schon seine erste Arie, «La donna e mobile» aus Verdis Rigoletto - das Lied über die «flatterhaften Frauenherzen» belegt laut Konzertmoderator Herwig Zimmermann mit 33 000 Suchergebnissen auf der Internet-Suchmaschine «Google» den Spitzenplatz - trug er sehr lebendig und mitreissend vor. Spätestens bei «Nessun dorma» aus Puccinis «Turandot» lief es einem kalt den Rücken hinunter. Trejo hat eine vor allem in den oberen Lagen sehr strahlende, leicht süssliche, ausdrucksstarke Stimme, mit der er Emotionen freien Lauf lassen kann. Seine Partnerin war die russische Sopranistin Olga Valmond. Mit angenehm hellem Timbre und gut dosiertem Vibrato erfreute auch sie das Publikum. Höhepunkte des Konzerts waren die Duette aus Bizets «Carmen» und Verdis «Traviata».

"Tenor Mauricio Trejo uses his powerful and flexible lyric voice to good effect, especially in the touching wedding night scene as he pursuades Butterfly to surrender to him."

"Mauricio Trejo , has a big, luscious tenor that we'd like to hear more often."

Trejo sang with resonant tenor voice in his middle and high registers. His work in the rapturous love duet at that ends ACT ONE, ‘Viene la sera’, eloquent and a perfect match for his bride.

”Mauricio Trejo captivated us with a stentorian “Nessun dorma” making one desire to see him as Calaf in Puccini’s Turandot. This was followed by a riveting and gripping “Vesti la giubba” command by Mr. Trejo who revealed an impressive upper register.”

The stars of Madama Butterfly included Mauricio Trejo as the American Naval Officer, Lt. B.F. Pinkerton, a perfectly likeable cad, with a powerful tenor voice that helps us to forgive his arrogant selfishness.

” Oh, what a final act it was. Mauricio Trejo, whose clear tenor was a pleasure to hear, showed that he is a superb actor as well. As the deserting soldier jilted by Carmen, he looked absolutely bereft. Begging Carmen to return and finally killing her, he sank to the floor and scooped her limp body into his arms in a haunting finale worthy of the enthusiastic applause and Bizet's rich score.”

Mauricio Trejo deftly combined tender lyrical singing with an air of smug carelessness as Pinkerton.

" In the role of Alfredo in la Traviata by Verdi: “Trejo O’Reilly, is a titanic romantic hero, tempestuous, torn cat possessive in tenderness and jealousy. With an instrument of clarion focus spent in exultant freedom, where this tenor sings, sunrise is superfluous, the world stands lit.”